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How Do Consumers Engage With A Pharmaceutical Website?
Buying and even conducting medical appointments online is a new experience for many UK consumers, especially in the older age groups. However, the pandemic has driven online transactions over the past two years, as vulnerable groups have been forced to isolate...
How SEO Can Boost Your Pharmacy Website
You may have a great looking pharmacy website, but unless you can attract lots of people to come and look at it, all the investment in developing it will have been for nothing.
What Are The Digital Marketing Trends Of 2022?
Pharmacies are increasingly employing the marketing techniques used by other established online retailers to engage and retain loyal customers.
3 Web Design Trends For 2022
Here are just some of the top web design trends that are expected to be big news in 2022.
What We Can Learn From The Best Examples Of Medicine Marketing
Here are some famous examples of medicine marketing and what we can learn from them.
What Is The Difference Between US & UK Pharmaceutical Marketing?
Separated by the huge expanse that is the Atlantic Ocean, the principles behind pharmacy digital marketing in both regions can feel like two completely separate worlds, with two separate central principles. The biggest difference between the UK and the US in terms of...
How Does Pay Per Click Work?
When looking into digital marketing for the first time, you’re sure to come across PPC, one of the ways in which businesses can drive traffic and conversions to their site from search engines.
How Social Media Can Promote Your Pharmacy Business
Social media platforms are an excellent way to help develop a pharmacy business. Social media allows people to promote their expertise, talk about their products and services, and raise the profile of the profession locally, nationally, and even globally. According to...
The Importance Of Colour In Pharmaceutical Digital Marketing
When it comes to pharmaceutical digital marketing, it’s important to give your choice of colours proper consideration, as different colours evoke different emotions.
How To Drive Traffic To Your Pharmacy Website
No matter what industry you’re in or what kind of business you run, it’s essential that you establish a strong online presence for yourself.