The Dos And Don’ts Of Social Media For Pharmacy Websites

Aug 21, 2024

Social media is a powerful digital marketing tool, enabling an online pharmacy to reach new audiences, drive website traffic, and increase brand awareness. However, the healthcare sector is highly regulated and it’s crucial to maintain compliance and also safeguard patient privacy.

If you are new to the whole concept and do not know where to start, it may be beneficial to work with a social media marketing agency. In the meantime, here are some tips to help your pharmacy use social media effectively.

The Dos

Do respect the line between interesting and controversial  

Your social media content should be engaging and educational, and also entertaining if appropriate. However, naturally in the healthcare industry some topics will be sensitive or even controversial. You don’t need to steer clear of these topics completely, but be balanced and non judgmental in tone, and never include something merely to provoke or shock.

Always check that your content is factually correct and up to date, referring to your sources whenever possible. You can be thought-provoking in your content, but avoid expressing any personal or political opinions. Humour can make your pharmacy seem human and relatable, but always be mindful of cultural sensitivities and use it lightly. 

Do use the right platforms

There are now many social media platforms to choose from, and it can be difficult to know which ones might be the most appropriate for your pharmacy. Consider the demographics of your target audience: it may be older people, in which case more youthful platforms such as TikTok would not be the right fit. 

Facebook has an older demographic and is the most widely used platform. If you have a lot of visual or video based content, consider using Instagram. Limit yourself to two or three at first, and interact with users to build up a relationship with your customers.

The Don’ts 

Don’t share confidential information

This might sound obvious, but think very carefully about privacy regulations before every post. Even when posting customer testimonials, do not publish full names or any other details that could make them easily identifiable. Do not discuss individual patient cases or offer personal medical advice via social media, even if asked to.

Don’t engage in negative interactions

From time to time, a customer may post negative comments or become angry and aggressive on social media. Do not respond in kind or get into an argument with them. Establish a protocol for dealing with such situations, and regularly remind all your staff how to handle them.

Acknowledge the comments rather than ignoring them, and address any legitimate issues. However, if the customer persists with their complaints, offer to contact them privately to discuss the problem in more detail, and always remain polite and professional. If they become abusive or threatening, terminate the discussion.